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Creighton Cupboard

Creighton Cupboard

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Creighton Cupboard

To combat food insecurity at Creighton University, the Creighton Cupboard provides a range of nonperishable food items and personal hygiene products for students. Paper products and nonperishable food items are always in high demand, and we are currently looking to add more personal hygiene products.

Being able to provide a food pantry for students to visit, no questions asked, is an amazing project that Creighton has developed. Supported by Student Life staff, Creighton Dining and student employees, the cupboard ensures students maintain a healthy lifestyle while continuing their education. The Creighton Cupboard is available to undergraduate, graduate and professional students from all walks of life. 

Why this service is needed:

Food insecurity isn't always easily noticeable, but it is an issue that impacts a significant number of college students at Creighton and on college campuses across the country. The Creighton Cupboard addresses food accessibility and affordability issues faced by students who struggle to provide for themselves and their families.

Funds raised will be used to provide quality/healthy food items for students, especially when donations of goods are low. We are constantly reinventing our donation items to better serve our student population. 

What is Crowdfunding?

It’s an opportunity to share some love with the essential campus causes that need our support. You can make gifts of any size to the Creighton Cupboard, the POM Device (Violence Intervention and Prevention Center/Public Safety), the Student Sustainability Action Fund and the ILAC Summer Dental Health Program.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!